A consumer representative organization led by individuals who share a commitment to making a difference in mental health recovery throughout the State of Florida.
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Friday, April 24, 2015
CN Meetings For A New Year
If the first quarter is any indication, 2015 will bring a wealth of informative discussions to our local Consumer Network (CN) meetings.
On January 13, Diana Pure, Ph.D., from Miami VA Healthcare System, opened the year with tips for improving our communication skills. Dr. Pure’s topic was “Speaking from the Heart” and she certainly did so.
Dr. Harriet Lefley
She was followed on January 27th by Harriet P. Lefley, Ph.D., Professor Emerita at the University of Miami. With more than 40 years experience, Dr. Lefley shared much about her topic: “How can Consumers, MH Professionals and Supportive Families Work Together?” Our membership enjoyed her true life examples. In anticipation of Valentine’s Day, our next CN meeting (Feb. 10) was Open Mic. Kudos to everyone who sang a song, read a poem, told a humorous story, gave a dramatic monologue or showed off their dance steps. There were performances done in English and in Spanish. We had loads of fun!
Miryam Israel
Also in February (Feb 24), Miryam Israel from Fresh Start of Miami-Dade brought a WRAP session to CN members. Miryam led the group with the question: “What Does a Healthy Lifestyle Look Like?” and “Early Warning Signs that I am Leading an Unhealthy Lifestyle” with suggestions for action plans.
Michael JeanLouis
Personal Banker, Michael J. JeanLouis shared his financial expertise on March 10th. Attendees learned about building their credit records and protecting their personal information. Being from Wells Fargo, Skylake branch, Michael opened our eyes to the various levels of service the bank offers.
Marie Alcindor
Not to be outdone, our next presenters wowed the audience with detailed information about food groups and nutrition. Members asked questions and took notes, as Marie Alcindor and her co-presenter, both from the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. educated us. A special thank you to our guest meeting facilitators, Pam Ford, Kishma Lewis and Miryam Israel. Our coordinator, Sandra McQueen-Baker, is very appreciative of you stepping in on her behalf. And to our members, keep coming back. And, if you enjoy CN meetings, bring a friend.
Great ideas! really impressed with your original and genuine way you have put your story across - you're an inspiration and I am following your journey - awesome work!
Great ideas! really impressed with your original and genuine way you have put your story across - you're an inspiration and I am following your journey - awesome work!